Turkish Holiday - Sailing down the Bosphorus
 Touring Turkey by car

About the Tour

Turkey in Pictures

The Sea

Turkish Holiday - The Gorge

A Car called Zarina

Shoe Shine Man

Pamukale Health Spars

The Hittite Empire 1600-1200 BC

Anatolia and Roman Antiquity

Troy in Fact and Legend


The Bosphorus

Tour Concluded - Reference and Web Site Links

Sailing down the Bosphorus
A delightful experience in Istanbul is taking a boat trip on the Bosphorus. The cool breeze keeps the summer heat at bay. There is much of interest to see on the water front.

A favourite place is Runeli Castle.
The tour boat
Suspension Bridges link the European and Asian side of Istanbul




The Bosphorus -The Seaway that Links Europe and Asia