Touring Turkey by Car
 Touring Turkey by car

About the Tour

Turkey in Pictures

The Sea

Turkish Holiday - The Gorge

A Car called Zarina

Shoe Shine Man

Pamukale Health Spars

The Hittite Empire 1600-1200 BC

Anatolia and Roman Antiquity

Troy in Fact and Legend


The Bosphorus

Tour Concluded - Reference and Web Site Links

Turkish Holiday Pictures
Here are the pictures of my Turkish holiday. As with all journeys they start with the first step.
This was from Manchester International Airport to Istanbul.

The flight was with Turkish Airlines, the friendly service.The picture shows the view from inside the plane as it flew out of Manchester.

Once in Istanbul I caught a taxi to my hotel. This was the Marmara.

Here I met my friends, John and Penny who I toured Turkey with.

Memorial to Mustafa Kemal Ataturk
Near to the Marmara Hotel was a memorial to Ataturk. The Memorial Park was called Independence Square. Tram lines went around it and at all times of the day red trams could be seen passing the square.

In every city, town and village there is a statue to Mustafa Kemal Ataturk. He was born in 1881 and died in 1938. He was the founder of modern Turkey.

It was in the 1920's that he changed Constantinople's name to Istanbul. He abolished the fez.

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