Touring Turkey by car
About the Tour
Turkey in Pictures
The Sea
Turkish Holiday - The Gorge
A Car called Zarina
Shoe Shine Man
Pamukale Health Spars
The Hittite Empire 1600-1200 BC
Anatolia and Roman Antiquity
Troy in Fact and Legend
The Bosphorus
Tour Concluded - Reference and Web Site Links
Anatolia and Roman Antiquity.
These pictures illustrate what can be seen in Anatolia about its Roman past. History of Rome. The city of Rome was founded in 753BC when local people made their homes on the seven hills. The legend of Romulus and Remus comes from this time. According to legend Romulus killed his brother and he was the first King of Rome. Roman History falls into these ages: The Age of Kings began in 753 to 509BC. The Age of the Republic is dated from 509 to 27BC. The Age of the Roman Empire began in 27BC to 475AD. The Fall of the Roman Empire began in 200 AD and ended with the death of the last Roman Emperor in 476AD.
Temple of Apollo
This was a Greek and Roman solar deity.
Apollo had a family and many interesting friends. Sometimes his friends were killed by other gods.
Apollo represents order and harmony.
The Pythian Games were held in his honour.
I expect the temple was erected here because of the magnificient sunsets which could be viewed.
Truly making Apollo the God of Light.
Roman Amphitheatre.
These staduims were used for all kinds of entertainment. First, Gladiater fights come to mind. There were contests of one form or another. These were popular with the spectators.The Romans loved sporting events. The gory killing of animals, slaves and captured enemies were also popular attractions.
The Library of Epheous
Here was housed a large collection of books written in Roman times. The library had been reduced to a pile of stones but recently Archeologists have been able to reassemble them so that now a very imposing frontage can be seen. The stones in the reconstruction were ones they found here.